We love this picture of Tank Girl by Jamie Hewlett because it pretty much sums up how we feel about 2019! 2018 was scary to watch on many levels, but there was also light, people being magnificent, in every corner of the world.
And, it also exemplifies our goal for 2019 – to bring you content that encourages, inspires, and uplifts you to let your superhero out. Because the world needs the best you’ve got – there is no doubt about it.
Our official newsletter starts next month with a look at the next generation of Black Superheroes. It’s a mash-up of Black History, Black Culture, and Afrofuturism. Should be fun.
But we’ve also got a couple new things that we trying out this year:
Guest Editors: NARAZU CREATORS and FANS, do you have a genre, artist, or art form that you’d like to see us shed more light on? If so, we invite you to become a guest editor at NARAZU. You’ll have one month to introduce yourself to our community and share your passion and/or your work. If you’re interested, just respond to this email.
Friday Features: There are SO many amazing indie artists putting out content, it’s impossible to get to it all in our monthly newsletter. That’s why in February, we’re launching Friday Features to all NARAZU Creators who would like to post a blurb or a video (that you create) about your latest book, comic, movie, or art project. Every Friday, we’ll post it on our blog, Facebook page and Twitter accounts, which reaches thousands of people each week.
Convention Spotlights: We’re also going to amp up our coverage of local conventions that will get you up close and personal with some of the BEST indie artists around. If you would like to share a video of YOUR con experience (as a cosplayer or a fan), let us know. The More the Merrier!
Did we miss anything you’d like to see this year? Let us know. We’d love to hear from you. Happy New Year, Everyone! We look forward to inspiring you in all new ways this year!
Best Always!
Team Narazu
All Indie. All Awesome.